Chicken Green Chili Soup

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I make this soup every year and have for probably a decade and a half (it could be even longer, but if I count back that far, I’m going to start feeling old…). It’s one that came to mom and I years ago from a “second mom” of mine, who got it from her mom. My kinda recipe.

I haven’t been a big fan of chicken soup in my adult years – who knows why – but this soup is AMAZING! The flavor of the chicken and chilis, the tang of the sour cream, crunch of corn chips and gooey delicious-ness of the Monterey Jack cheese…oh my…excuse me while I wipe the drool from my face.

It’s so easy to make, too. Even easier than traditional chicken noodle. Sold. You will need four chicken breasts, chicken broth (or stock, which I tend to prefer), bullion (this is optional, but again, I prefer adding it in), canned green chilis, frozen corn, onion, olive oil and toppings – Monterey Jack cheese, sour cream and corn chips!

In a soup or stock pot, cover the chicken breasts with your broth or stock and simmer until cooked through. Sometimes I’ll add a carton of stock (which is four cups) and then four cups of water with 4-6 chicken bullion cubes. This is basically to your taste preferences and based on what you have.

While that’s simmering, heat the oil in a small skillet. Chop your onion and add into the skillet. Sprinkle very lightly with salt and black pepper and stir. Add in two cans of chopped green chilis and sauté until tender.

And that’s it.

Just kidding, but almost.

When your chicken is cooked, remove from the broth into a bowl and allow to cool slightly. Shred or dice and add back into the broth, along with your onions and chilis and a small bag of frozen corn. Stir to combine and simmer for about 30 minutes. Check for the need for additional salt and pepper. And now it’s done.

Told ya it was easy. Whew.

To serve, dice or grate some Monterey Jack into the bottom of your soup bowl (I LOVE these Mikasa stackable bowls!) and ladle your hot soup over it. Top with a dollop of sour cream (or two or three…this is my favorite part of this soup – the tang of the sour cream does things that cannot be described here) and some corn chips. Enjoy. And, I dare ya not to go back for seconds. Or thirds.

Bonus! This soup is a fantastic option for freezing – and like I’ve said before, I’m a BIG fan of freezing meals. Especially soups this time of year. Cook once, eat multiple times. I use these freezer containers – some small and some large. I’ve had them for years. They last. Sold.

Let me know if you try this soup and if you’ll add it to your seasonal rotation!



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