Welcome to Champagne Taste Life!
Don’t run away thinking that this is all about an expensive and luxurious lifestyle! While I do like nice things now and then, what I share here is all about inspiring other busy women in living their best lives…their CHAMPAGNE TASTE LIVES!
My lifestyle is NOT fancy. I am a country girl at heart, y’all. While I love things like culture, good food and wearing makeup, what I really love is the simple life. It’s my hope that the ideas, recipes, products and info I post here help you to create a life that is YOUR best life. It’s all about adding value, making things easier for you, helping you find ways to make it a little easier to wear all the hats that we, as women, do!
When I think of the phrase “champagne taste” I think of high-end (sometimes expensive, yes), but something that is the best of the best – so to me, this is about building a life that is the best of the best. A dream life. Your dream life. Your best life.
So, take a look around and check out what’s here! Follow us on social media for other fun content and always feel free to message me with ideas, too!Thanks for being here and I’m thrilled to have you be a part of our CTL community!