I am sharing information and links to products/programs/businesses I shop with because I love their products. I do not share products that I don’t personally use and love myself – and I share these with you because I truly believe they have value for YOU. I may receive some form of compensation should you purchase through some of these links. (Not every link is an affiliate link, however. Some I’m sharing with you simply because I love the product(s)). I appreciate your support more than you know – and it helps me continue to be able to bring you content for free and keep my platforms free of ads. Click here for more information and disclosures.
Click on each heading for more info.
Beauty & Personal Care
Bellame Beauty
I am a partner with Bellame and have used their skincare and cosmetics for years. For more information on what I use and love, how to save money and get the most out of it all, visit this page HERE.

Crunchi has some great products that are formulated with clean ingredients.
Use this link to save $10 on your first purchase over $50.
I love the Littles Super Serum and 3-in-1 Bath Time Bar for my baby.
For me, I have liked the Lip Crayon, Lip Gloss and Sunscreen!