3 Awesome FREE Ways to Save Money!

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Black Friday is less than a week away!  Cyber Monday is just over a week away!  The official kick-off to the holiday shopping season is approaching.  I think that most people fall into one of two categories for Black Friday:  a) LOVE IT – I’m the first in line and I get what I want; or b) SAVE ME – I hide out, far away from the crowds and shake my head at all of the ridiculous headlines.  Whether you’re in camp a or b, we ALL want to make our dollar stretch as far as we can, especially this time of year.  Good news!  I’ve gathered my three best tips for doing so – they’re simple and they’re FREE!!!!!!! – and you can use them whether you’re the Black Friday shopper or the Cyber Monday surfer.

Who doesn’t love saving money, especially during the holidays?

1.  Ebates – I have used this site for years as a way to earn cash back for the purchases I would make anyway.  To date, I’ve made $148.79 cash back.  HOLY TRUTH!  Yep.  That number is correct.  What would that help you with?  It makes a difference for my family and our budget, that’s for sure.  Anyway, you accumulate your cash back and they send you a check every six months.  Bam!

What I love about Ebates:

  • It’s free
  • You don’t have to link any banking/card information (unless you’d like to do so to earn cash back in stores, as well as online)
  • It’s simple and easy – you can head to ebates.com, find your store and the site will create a cash back ticket; or you can add the button to your browser
  • They give you $10 for signing up and you can invite/refer friends to earn additional cash

To get started, click here.

2.  Honey – I’ve just found this site, but I love it.  It works similarly to Ebates as far as set up and use.  You earn a percentage of your order from participating stores (4,000+) back in their “currency”  – “Honey Gold” – and they pull coupons for you, too!  You simply activate your rewards on participating sites and apply coupons at checkout.  For every 1,000 Gold you accumulate, you can redeem for a gift card to one of a handful of the biggest retailers in our country (Amazon, Ebay, Target…to name a few).

What I love about Honey:

  • It’s free
  • You earn Gold and a bonus just for signing up and making your first purchase, and you earn for referring people
  • It’s simple – you sign up, install the button, starting shopping and earn
  • You don’t have to link banking/card info
  • You can donate your Gold to a charity if you’d like (c’mon, that’s cool)

To get started, click here.

3.  DO$H – This is an app, and it’s taking everyone by storm.  Seriously, I’ve seen this all over Facebook.  I checked it out and it’s awesome.  This works the same as Ebates and Honey.  You sign up, securely link a card or cards, and spend as you normally would.  When you pay with one of your linked cards, you earn up to 10% cash back.  And with Dosh, it’s cash.  As in, cold, hard.  So, you can transfer to bank accounts, PayPal, or you can donate to a charity from the app.  I’m sold.

What I like about Dosh:

  • It’s free (notice a trend here?)
  • You earn cash for linking a card and for referring people
  • It’s super simple – there are no extra steps:  you sign up, link a card, shop with that card, and earn cash.  Done.
  • You can donate to charity (I just love being able to do good, don’t you?)

To get started, click here.

I hope these tips help you this holiday season…and beyond!  I’d love to hear about your money-saving tips!



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