It’s a Lifestyle Choice
What better time and way to officially launch my brand and purpose here in my little corner of the internet than to chat about freedom and do so around the Fourth of July?
It’s take years, literal years, for me to finally get clear on what I’m doing, but here it is:
If you know me, you know I’m very multi-passionate – despite what every expert says to do: niche down – I couldn’t do it. Being on this journey, especially over the last two or so years, has opened my eyes to many things, one of the biggest being how much I value FREEDOM. So, here we are.
I don’t define “freedom” as just one thing, but it’s a lifestyle, it’s intentional living, it’s choosing a hard that many don’t and probably won’t. I’d love to share with you what it means to me and what I’m looking forward to sharing with you here on the blog and subsequently on my other platforms (as long as the powers that be allow me).
First and foremost, my freedom is found through the saving grace of Jesus Christ. In Him, we have freedom from death. Let’s face it. This world has lost its ever-loving mind and I’m not bogged down by it because of my hope and faith. So, you’ll definitely hear me talking about my King Jesus here – my relationship with Him, the roles I’m called to as a woman of faith and more.
The rest of how I define freedom can be summarized in a few words: time freedom, financial freedom, medical freedom, educational freedom, gaining freedom in life through true health, and self-sufficiency/self-sustainability (aka, freedom from reliance on systems and people who would sooner see me worse off in life).
I’m excited to share my journey as a homesteader. I’m embracing a simpler life, slowly, but surely, even on our little half-acre piece of paradise. Everyone homesteads a little differently, I think – we grow a garden, have a few chickens, and I’m on a mission to learn how to cook even more from scratch that I already do (I’m a foodie, y’all), preserve more food and maintain a pantry! I’m all for taking the little steps towards being self-sufficient.
I believe that we should live our lives debt-free (it’s biblical) and generously (also biblical) – so financial freedom is what we’re working towards. A big part of achieving that is multiple streams of income and diversification. I’ll be sharing more! I also think spending intentionally and saving money is important.
Okay, buckle up for the next part. It’s controversial. I am not a fan of the pharmaceutical diet and I believe that we should have the right to choose how we care for ourselves (i.e. no forced mandates of any kind). *Disclaimer: I am NOT pro-choice (that’s an entirely different issue – killing a child in the womb is not self-care; quite the opposite). I embrace the philosophy that God created our bodies to be AMAZING – to self-regulate, self-heal and have the ability to protect against bad stuff (technical, I know). BUT, I also think that we’ve loaded our systems with so many toxins and so much junk, that our bodies can no longer do what they’re made to do. So, I’m all for true health – I’m loving my journey and look forward to sharing it with you.
Time freedom for me is as simple as being able to do what I need, want and am called to do when I need, want and am called. It’s not being tied down to a “have to” that serves no purpose.
Finally, for now, I believe parents should have the freedom (and authority) to choose how their children should be raised and educated.
Whew. I feel like this is by no means exhaustive, but thanks for reading this far! I’m so glad you’re here and I look forward to sharing more on all of these things with you and hopefully inspiring you in your own freedom journey!
In faith and freedom,