And, how and why am I building it? Why might you, or anyone, care?
I’ve started, deleted and rewritten this post multiple times. Yes, this blog has undergone multiple rebrandings. Yes, this current rebrand was unexpected. No, I’m not mad about it.
I want to share with you here my heart for this blog, which is a reflection and public representation of my lifestyle – and the life that I am intentionally building every day (some days are definitely better than others).
I think my struggle in writing this post to share with you, is that I cannot write my ideal life in one sentence. It oftentimes seems like it’s a little bit of everything – which, despite the truth of it, makes me roll my own eyes – it sounds almost pretentious. But here we go…
Clutter-free. I want to simplify and build a life that is intentional. Speaking to tangible things, if something does not have a purpose, plan or place then we don’t need to keep it around (or buy it and bring it into our home and lives). How we spend our time, emotions, money and energy should be intentional, too. Simplicity is beautiful, I’m learning.
Faith-filled and faith-led. Biblically-based and kingdom-driven. I think that this topic will need to be discussed down the road in deeper detail, but my I want my focus to be on heavenly and holy things, not on worldly things that are, at best, fleeting. I want to live in peace knowing my ultimate purpose and calling and following it, as a woman, a wife, a mom, a friend…and more.

Servant-minded. If we are not serving our Heavenly Father and our fellow neighbors here on earth, what are we really doing?
Clean and healthy. I’m on a [probably] life-long journey of living more cleanly. I want to make healthy choices…still with the occasional glass of wine and piece of chocolate (just kidding on “occasional” but you get my point). I’m learning much these days on this.

Self-sufficient. Well, to an extent. I don’t know that I will ever raise my own animals to eat…maybe someday. But I love the idea of embracing a way of life that is less-reliant on everyone and everything else, even if only for part of the year. Gardening, chickens, preserving. Maybe a milk cow someday. Definitely goats, but let’s face it, those are probably more for my own comic relief. I believe in assets that are tangible and physical.
Does good. Generous. I am a driven person, yes. I want to create things. I want to make money. I want to be successful. But I have no desire to be selfish. I want to give back. Help others. Support amazing people and causes. I truly want to do good in this life.
Freedom. Time freedom, financial freedom, space freedom. I want to work from anywhere, at any time and be able to travel or stay home as I feel called. No debt. I don’t want to say no to opportunities that are right. I want to be able to prioritize my life the way I feel is best. Right now, for example, being a wife, mom and homemaker is the most important, followed (albeit closely) by entrepreneur.
Inspiring. I want to encourage others in their God-given talents and callings.

Productive and restful. Perhaps this is part of living intentionally, but I want to work hard at this life I’ve been given, but also learn how to rest when it’s time to rest (and not feel guilty for it).

Content. I’m learning to enjoy the present and look to the future. We are called to be content.
Abundant. No more scarcity mindset.

Does any of this resonate with you? I look forward to sharing more of this journey with you. And, more than that, I hope that you are inspired by what you find here.