7 Winter Skincare Tips

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The cold weather is here! At least, it has arrived – albeit likely temporary – here in Colorado and it brought snow with it. I wasn’t ready for this kind of cold (single digits coming this week), but the snow that fell this weekend was truly stunning – that light, snowflake-type snow.

Regardless of the duration of the cold, this time of year is even more dry than usual. To make matters worse, my biggest skin frustration is dryness so I have to double up on taking care of my skin. Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about what’s best for my skin when my environment is exceptionally dry and I’m excited to share these with you here!

  1. Drink water! This is literally hydrating your skin from the inside out. Trust me, get the water you need on a regular basis and you will notice a difference in how your skin feels.
  2. Go cooler! Lower the thermostat in your home by a few degrees and add an extra layer of clothing to stay warm. The hot air adds to the dryness of your home. And, don’t use scalding hot water in your showers – go a little cooler (not cold) and your skin will thank you.
  3. Use a humidifier in your home! If you live in a dry environment, this is a must. Keep it clean and full and it will help prevent the air in your home from getting too dry. Alternatively, when you’re home (never leave unattended), put a large pot of water on a low simmer on your stove, or plug in a slow-cooker full of water somewhere safe and set to low. The mild steam will add some moisture to the air.
  4. Check your products! There are many ingredients that contribute to dryness – and many that do the opposite. Anything with an alcohol will serve to dry out your skin. Most cleansers, too, will upset the pH balance of your skin. A good option is to use a toner after cleansing. A better option is to use a cleanser that does not change the pH of your skin. The one I swear by is this one – it’s a game-changer and can be used as a hydrating mask (WIN). Look for ingredients like: high-powered hyaluronic acid (which is 50x more powerful than the standard you’ll see in most drug store and cosmetic grade lines); Baobab oil (which is literally from the “Tree of Life” and acts as an emollient and insulator to protect your skin from the elements); glycerin (which helps attract water to skin and seal it in, working well for all skin types); dimethicone (forms a hydrating barrier); and tocopheryl acetate (a form of vitamin E that provides moisture and strengthens skin’s barrier to prevent moisture loss). *It’s worth noting that oiliness is NOT the same as hydration – if you have oily skin and/or suffer from acne, you still need to moisturize and hydrate!
  5. Splurge for an add-on! For me, that’s a serum that hydrates like none other! The one I’ve chosen is clinical-grade, safe and luxurious. I notice a huge difference if I happen to go a day or two without it. My skin dries out significantly. You could opt for a hydrating mask, too! Use a mask at night when possible – your skin will rejuvenate better at night.
  6. Exfoliate! Get rid of the dry, dead skin cells so that your products can be absorbed into your face. Depending on your skin, you’ll want to exfoliate one to three times a week.
  7. Choose cosmetics that don’t dry out your skin. You could definitely undo the work you’ve done in your skincare routine by using cosmetics that are unhealthy and/or drying to your skin, so be aware. In the winter, I’m actually a fan of IT Cosmetics CC+ Cream – it’s available at both Ulta and Sephora. And, until recently, I hadn’t found a lip product that didn’t dry out my lips. Now, I’m in love with these gorgeous glosses and luxurious lipsticks.

Halfway through last winter, I started using a skincare line that treats ALL of my concerns, not the least of which is dryness. It checks all my boxes: clinical-grade (effective, second only to medical grade, which requires a prescription), safe (produced to European standards – no harsh chemicals or toxic ingredients, gluten-free and cruelty-free) and luxurious (so I feel spoiled every time I take care of my skin – mom win!). My skin has never been healthier or more moisturized than it is now. I suggest it for any and ALL skincare concerns.

There are, I’m sure, many more tips and tricks to helping your skin survive the dryer months, but these are my top seven! And, they’ve truly made a difference for me. I’d love to hear your best ideas for helping your skin during the dryer half of the year and any products you’ve fallen in love with, too! Please feel free to share!



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