10 Random Facts About Me

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These are fun…until I start writing and I realize I may not, in fact, be as interesting as I think I am. But here we go anyway!

  1. I took multiple enneagram tests and got 5 different numbers. For real. These days, I’m usually a 2, but can have 1/3 wings. An 8 is not uncommon. Send help.
  2. I am a life-long equestrian. I began riding at age 5. I gained professional status at 18 and ran my own training/showing business for about 8 years. I am now strictly a “for fun” and “I do it because I love it” equestrian. Which is the best one to be, in my opinion.
  3. I have traveled to almost all 50 states. The ones left are: Montana, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arkansas (I still have to say that phonetically to make sure I get all the letters in all the right places), Mississippi, Ohio, West Virginia and Rhode Island. I will likely cross Wisconsin and maybe Ohio off this year (2021)!
  4. I love the holidays. Every. Single. One. The celebrating, the food, the decorations…all of it.
  5. I’ve been known to be a grammar/spelling/writing Nazi (seriously, I’ve been called this many times). So, if you need something edited/proofread, I’m your girl.
  6. Belle is my favorite princess.
  7. I wish I could sing – it’s a talent I’ve always wanted. The lack of said talent does not stop me from belting it out, however. And, my shower head thinks I’m fantastic.
  8. Eric is my favorite prince, second to my husband, who is my real life dark-haired, blue-eyed, handsome man.
  9. I graduated high school with my International Baccalaureate diploma. It was worth it. But also, I cannot think inside a box to save my life. I question/analyze everything. So, there’s that.
  10. My favorite flower is a peony. Followed by hydrangeas, dahlias, lilacs and in the tropical category, hibiscus. More importantly, the only flower I’m not a big fan of is a red rose…just not my jam.

Do you have a random fun fact about you? Share!

Look information:

Makeup by BELLAME – shop the basics here.

Necklace – Sophie Harper Initial Disc Necklace purchased through Rocksbox – get your first month FREE here.

Until next time,


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