My Christmas Movie Must-Haves!

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!!!! (Or, in my world, it is). One of my favorite things to do during the Christmas season, is watch the classic movies I grew up with, either while curled up under a blanket with something hot to drink, or while doing something festive: decorating, crafting, writing Christmas cards, wrapping presents…you get the idea! So, I thought I’d share my absolute must-haves with you!

Okay, I have to preface this by saying that I’m either going to make a whole bunch of new friends or a whole bunch of enemies with this list. Mainly because there are popular movies out there that just don’t do it for me…they don’t say Christmas to me. So, if I’ve left off ones that you love, don’t hate me!!!! Please. Let’s still be friends (or frenemies, at the very least).

White Christmas

My absolute, no excuses, watch it every year, can quote the whole dang things movie must-have is…(*drum roll, please*) White Christmas. This one is a classic in my life – and our tradition was to come home from Christmas Eve service at church, get in our jammies, make hot chocolate (extra marshmallows, please), turn off all the lights, turn on the lights on the tree, and watch White Christmas. So, this one is at the top of my list.

Holiday Inn

This one falls into the same category for me as White Christmas. It’s a classic. And, fun fact, the music in Holiday Inn is carried over into White Christmas – so the song “White Christmas” was actually written for Holiday Inn. They made a movie around the song. Other tunes are instrumentals in White Christmas, as well. And, if you’re into classic humor (if you are, let’s be friends, ‘kay?), this one has it. “How can I stop him, sir if I don’t know which way is Connect-i-cut?!” Anyway, I love this one, too. It’s good. It’s funny. Oh! And, I am obsessed with the inn (which is the same one in White Christmas). I want to build a replica and live in it forever.

The Original Christmas Classics

Every child (and child at heart) should have these: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, Santa Claus is Coming to Town and The Little Drummer Boy. And try as I might, I just can’t bring myself to get excited about the remakes or sequels to some of these. The originals, though, they are where it’s at! The songs, the voices, the stories. No more trying to catch the specials on television, just grab these and you’re good to go.

The Santa Clause (Trilogy)

You’re probably thinking “this woman lives in the wrong decade” and you’re more right than wrong, but let’s jump forward a little closer to the present with this one. I do love the original The Santa Clause the best (go figure), but all three have a wonderful Christmas whimsy and my little girl enjoys them all. Lots of family fun and Tim Allen is always good for some chuckles.

Miracle on 34th Street

The original, please. Do you see a pattern here? The originals are always the best. Why remake what’s already great? … Exactly. The actors in this one are some of my favorite: Maureen O’Hara, John Payne, Natalie Wood. Yup. And the bubble gum scene. The zoo animals. The beard. Full of Christmas spirit goodness.

Honorable Mentions

We have, of course, quite a few movies in our holiday collection and we watch ALL of them EVERY year. Without fail. And, if you know me, you know I love Disney…so we have a few Disney Christmas movies. One of my favorites (my daughter’s, too) is Beauty and the Beast: Enchanted Christmas. The same favorite characters, plus a few new ones, and true to Disney form, great music.

I also love the stories in Mickey’s Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse. Lots of Disney remakes on classic holiday tales, such as A Christmas Carol.

Starting in October, we pull out our Peanuts Holiday Collection – it’s full of the classic Peanut holiday movies and a few lesser-known shorts, too! I love these…take me back to a simpler time, please. I’d live in a Charlie Brown world, wouldn’t you?

And, finally we have Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year. Once again, this is just me reliving my childhood favorites with my little girl. She loves Pooh and we love the spirit of these stories.

I know there are many movies out there that I’ve left off that most would consider Christmas must-haves, but these are the ones that mean Christmas to me. I’d love to hear what you watch year in and year out! Share your favorites! Merry Christmas.



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