It’s that time of year again…we’re saying goodbye to a chapter and ringing in a new one. Different this year from many is that we aren’t just ending a year, we’re ending a decade…and starting a new one. This is big. And I’m going big.
Many this time of year make resolutions – I used to, but they just seemed impersonal and overwhelming. Instead, I’ve chosen a word or two over the last few years and they serve as my mantra for that entire year. A word or two isn’t something that I can fail at – and so often we stick to a resolution for a week, a month…maybe two – and then they fizzle out. But a word is the driving force for the year – sort of the foundation for the changes, new habits, etc. that I am making over the next twelve months.
Going into not just a new year, but a new decade, I decided I needed not one, but two, words. (What that really means is that I feel strongly about both of these words and they resonated with me deeply, so instead of deciding between them, I chose both).
My words for entering this new decade are…(drumroll, please): VISION and FREEDOM.
Never before have I had such a clear vision of the life I am working to build…and I don’t just mean professionally. I have a clear picture of the home I want to create and maintain, the intentional wife and mother I want to be, the business and brand I am building…all of this. This vision has been decades in the making…with a lot (like, a LOT) of left turns and tangents along the way. It’s a vision for today, and for the future – one year, five years, ten years, forty years. There is purpose – and power in that purpose. Direction. Do I know every single step? HA! No. That’s up to God (thank goodness). But, there is a path.

Underlying this vision is freedom. A life of freedom. Time freedom. Financial freedom. Freedom from unholy burdens. Freedom from clutter – physical, mental and emotional. Freedom from “obligations” imposed by others who should not have a say. Freedom from anxiety and fear. Freedom to go where we need and want to go when we need and want to be somewhere. Freedom to give back, to serve, to set the example for my daughter (and any future children) of the life we are called to live.

I don’t know about you, but I’m so excited for this year and this decade. I cannot wait to see where I am in on December 31, 2020 – where my family is in our journey. And, I’m really excited to see where we are on December 31, 2029. I’m looking forward to each step along the way.
What word or words have you chosen for yourself this year? Do you choose a word, do you set resolutions…what do you do to set yourself up for a new beginning each January? I’d love to hear!